I enjoy midnights. Everything is so calm and serene.
My name is Mirha White, and in two days, I will turn 18 years old. I am an orphan living at St. Stephen's orphanage. Since the day I arrived here, this orphanage has provided me with housing and food.
I lost my mother when I was around 3 years old. Although I can't recall much, Brenda, the head caretaker, told me that she had lung cancer and had to leave me. Other than a little pendant that I usually wore, I have nothing that makes me think of her. When I open it, I see a picture of a 3-year-old myself, and it also has my birth date etched on it.
All I have is my pendant. I have no idea who my father is or anything about him. I don't even know his name. I'm not even sure if he's alive or has passed away like my mother.
I let out a long sigh as I gazed at the full moon. I pulled out Reese's peanut butter cup from under my pillow and began to eat it. The other day, when I was asked to buy groceries, I brought them with my own money.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are my favorite.
I eat it to fill my stomach if they don't give me any food, but I don't let anyone else know that I have it because then they'll take it away from me just like other things.
Sometimes, I feel as if I'm the most unlucky girl in this world. I have no one who cares for me. Even in the orphanage, no one wants to be my friend.
They say I'm cursed.
Cursed for what?
Because no one wants to adopt me because of my shy nature.
I don't want to live with the people in this orphanage, they are so bad. They made me do all their work. They make comments about me and say things about me that are not even true.
I despise them all. I want to stop them from speaking, but I can't. I'm not like them, therefore I can't. I'm not a feisty or sly girl. Until someone asks me a question, I remain silent. I always keep my head down and fiddle with my pendant. Being a shy girl, I'm unable to yell at anyone.
But I'm good at studies. I just completed high school with A grades in all subjects. I even got a full scholarship to NYU.
I'm overjoyed, but I don't have anybody to tell. Sister Brenda would have been delighted for me if she had been present. But like my mother, she also abandoned me.
I wanted this scholarship so that I can leave this place. We live in a small town near Kansas and going to a big city like New York, is like a dream come true.
I worked so hard to achieve the scholarship. On the day of my 18th birthday, I'm heading to NYU. I'll be accompanied by Sister Maria till I get to my university.
I had merely packed my clothing and my paperwork in my little bag pack. I'm only awaiting the day when I can permanently leave this place.
Yes, I've decided to hunt for part-time work once I get there. I'm going to graduate, get a job, and be able to support myself.
I want to be independent and never come back here.......
After 2 days
I was prepared to go. Sister Maria was waiting for me outside. I took one more look at the orphanage before heading for the cab. We drove for two hours before arriving at the airport. I had never been to an airport before. I was taking in my surroundings with a childlike perspective.
I nodded as Sister Maria glared at me and hissed, "Stop behaving like a child".
When we got on the plane, the flight attendant told us to fasten our seatbelts. I felt both delighted and anxious.
It was a smooth flight or so I thought. After 3 hours of flight, we were going to land soon, but suddenly the plane sharply jolted back and forth. It was sharp enough to grab everybody's attention. A cold shiver ran down my spine and I quietly scolded myself for visualizing all those movies where the plane crashes in just a fraction of a second.
I hadn't even calmed my nerves down when suddenly extreme turbulence started occurring, making the plane lurch sideways and bags started falling from the upper luggage compartments. I could hear faint cries accompanied by nervous laughter around when the pilot announced that the plane had merely gotten stuck in an air pocket and there was nothing to worry about. But just to add up to our nervousness, the cabin lights started flickering and in a minute, we were surrounded by utter darkness.
The roaring of the engines, the whispering of people everything went as silent as a grave and all I could hear was the spooky whoosh of the wings against the wind. By now I had realized that something was wrong and that we all were headed towards a huge disaster. It was then that the plane started spinning, trolleys were crashing, and people were shrieking and I saw sister Maria beside me reciting verses of the bible.
I saw fierce orange flames burst outwards which broke a large portion of seats away from the rest of the plane and the cries for help filled my ears, but there was little I could do since we too were plummeting straight towards the solid ground. When I opened my eyes next I didn't expect to feel any pain since there was no chance I could have survived the horrendous crash, but to my surprise, pain shot through my entire body, and streams of blood trickled all over me as I tried to stir.
Shards of glass pierced through my skin and deadly clouds of smoke hindered my vision. A feeling of despair and agony filled my heart as I tried to slip away from the tons of debris that were crushing my lungs. I was abruptly distracted by a continuous plopping sound and a feeling of dread formed in my stomach when I realized that any minute the spilling diesel would ignite and the fire would gobble away with it whatever had remained.
Perhaps it was the fear of death which motivated me to pull myself from under the pile of remnants and with all my might I started crawling away from the wreckage as far as I could. I had pulled myself far enough when a loud boom shook the earth beneath me. I knew that if I didn't get help soon enough, I would succumb to my injuries.
But it seemed that God had other plans for me. In a moment the air was filled with the most melodious sounds that had been heard in my entire life, yes, it was the sweet dulcet tones of the fire brigade and paramedic's ambulance. My head was throbbing badly and my vision was blurry.
I felt someone grab me as I was about to close my eyes.
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